Model 5100-02 Combustible Gas Sensor Module Model 5380-00 Rack Mount Configuration Model 5383-00 NEMA-4XĬonfiguration Model 5387-00 Printer Output Software Model 5392-00 ONLY THE FOLLOWING ITEMS, FUNCTIONS AND OPTIONS ARE FMRC* SMC sierra monitor corporation Sentry Instruction Manual. To receive the S1 Agile, or any other MiCOM PC tools software by download, please use our Contact form. This will also ensure that you are kept up-to-date with all the latest enhancements, including updates and bug fixes.Effective for all Sentry systems manufactured after September 1, Convert K-series and P20 series settings files to MiCOM P40 Agile relay equivalents - the future for distribution and industry protection.Real-time measurement visualization - S1 Agile extends to all IEDs - including P847 PMU and busbar schemes.Version control and cross-checking facilities for IED settings.Logical structure based on substation, voltage level and bay.Intuitive and versatile interface with file management facilities.Optimum management of the installed base, structured as per the substation topology.Integrated P740 and P746 remote HMI and topology tools for busbar schemes.Integrated automatic extraction of disturbance records facility.Integrated programmable curve tool and redundant Ethernet configuration for protection relays.Event and disturbance record extraction and analysis.Integrated configuration and monitoring features.GE’s integrated engineering tool that provides users with access to all automation IED configuration and record data.To move to the future, with no loss of functionality, no loss of device support, and full compatibility with your installed base and system architecture – request a copy of S1 Agile with the contact form link below. S1 Agile is presented as “tiles” rather than menu items to provide a more intuitive user experience. S1 Agile supports all existing MiCOM P40 Agile ranges including legacy products such as K-series and Modulex and includes a utility for automatic conversion of setting files from previous generations of numerical relays like K-series and MiCOM P20 to the latest P40 Agile models. All tools are assembled in a palette for simple entry, with intuitive navigation via a few mouse-clicks.

S1 Agile is the truly universal IED engineering toolsuite for MiCOM P40 Agile relays. Discover the next generation in tools for configuration and maintenance of MiCOM.